LogoMaker is an innovative and easy to use product that makes it possible for any business owner to design professional business logos, create advertisements, design nice page headers for a web site and other identifying graphics in just minutes. The easy to use features of LogoMaker include hundreds of fully modifiablelogo templates and objects categorized by industry and interest, high quality graphical engine, creative tools and special effects.
• Over 1,500 professionally designed and fully modifiable logo templates categorized by industry and interest.
• Over 6,000 objects and shapes for making logos.
• Easy to use, drag & drop, graphical engine for image and text manipulation: scale, rotate, align, groups, layers etc.
• Vector-based Shape editor to create and customize your own shapes.
• Over 50 effects for object and text editing such as Shadow, Transparency, Brightness, Blur, Gradient, etc.
• Plug-ins for adding special effects such as Jitter, Pixelate, Sharp, Water etc.
• Regular, Polygonal, Concave, Wavy, Circular, Outline and Perspective Text
• 3D options for creating 3D text and shapes
• One-click effects: Mirror, Plastics, Depth, Glow, Metallic, Bump, etc.
• Full screen editing
• Export to PDF, JPG, TIF and other file formats
• Professional, Creative, Refined & Designer fonts included
• The built in Internet browser for accessing new objects, templates, 40,000 free fonts, 100,000 free pictures, etc.
Edit section
The Edit section is the main part of the program. It contains a graphical engine used for logo editing and for applying effects, adding objects, shapes, text etc. In this section, the screen is divided on three parts: the sidebar which contains tabs with controls for applying effects (Effects sidebar) – its location is on the left side of the screen, the middle part consist of work area i.e. canvas (Graphical engine) and a sidebar on the right which contains a library of objects, shapes, text and images (Library sidebar).
Shape editor section
The Shape editor section of the program is intended for creating new shapes from scratch or editing already existing shapes. Shapes created in such manner can be used in the main program section (Logo editor) and edit them further on by using all availabl eoptions and effects. The Shape editor section is a vector-drawing section and it consists of 3 main parts: on the left-hand side there is Shapes tools sidebar with tools for drawing lines, polygons, and editing of points, in the middle part there is Shape canvas whose purpose is to display shapes you are editing , and on the right-hand side there is Shape library sidebar which contains a list of shapes and by help of which you can choose the shape you want to edit, to create new or delete already existing shape.
Templates section
The Templates section contains over 1500 professionally designed and fully modifiable logo templates categorized by industry and interest. The Templates section is used is used for choosing templates which you want to edit. The left side contains a listbox with templates categories while the right side contains a listbox with templates previews. Simply by clicking on one of the templates, the program will transfer you to the Edit section and it will open the template you have just selected for editing.
Online resources section
The Online resources section enables you to download new templates, fonts, objects, images and other useful things that can ease your work in building logos. Online resources section also contains list of known slogans and tag lines that can inspire you to build your own slogan. One part of this section can be used to inform you about some legal things such as patency and protection of logos etc. When you connect to the server, the work in this section is same as work in any Internet browser.
Text types
In LogoMaker you can work with Regular, Polygonal, Concave, Wavy, Circular, Perspective Text types. All options and effects that can be applied on the images (such as Shadow, Transparency, Blur, Emboss, Gradient, Hue, etc.) can also be applied on text and shapes. However, some additional effects can be applied only on text and shapes, such as: Outline, Character Spacing, Character Angle etc.
Objects and Shapes effects
LogoMaker contains a ibrary of 6000 objects and shapes. Of curse, in addition to using built in objects, you can import any images from your hard drive and include it in your logo. More than 50 effects and plug-ins (such as Transparency, Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, Hue, Jitter, Pixelate, Sharp, Swirl, Warp, Water etc.) can be applied on allobjects , shapes and images. The picture on the left shows one object with several effects applied on it, as well as some effects applied on shapes.
LogoMaker enables you to make your own logo by modifying existing templates or by using the library of objects. Simply by using the drag & drop technique, you can add objects, shapes or text from the library of 1800 objects onto the canvas. Flexible Graphical Engine enables you to manipulate with chosen objects (rotate, size, cut, copy, undo, redo etc.) while more than 50 effects (blur, transparency, shadow etc.) will enable you to adjust objects to your needs. The picture on the left illustrates how to make more than one professionally looking logo by using 4 objects.
• OS: Windows XP/Vista
• PROCESSOR: Pentium 500 MHz
• VIDEO CARD: 16-bit color depth
• HARD DRIVE: 250 MB free space
• Internet Explorer 4 or higher for Online Resources program section
Homepage – http://www.studio-v5.com/
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