AVG Antivirus Pro 9.0
AVG Antivirus Pro most popular product is its free antivirus, but the company also makes two enhanced security suites that are geared for users who don't mind paying for additional protection--as long as it's worthwhile. AVG Anti-Virus 9 introduces a few new features, claiming faster scan times, faster boot times, and other under-the-hood improvements.
AVG Is the best known anti-virus at the moment, is built on a new and highly efficient technology. Support the security of your computer at the highest level. Virus database is constantly updated and can be downloaded via the Internet. Best Antivirus Comparison works in real time and provides levels of protection for your computer.
Although AVG is good and free, there are times when it is just not sufficient. The new versions 8 and 9 are system hogs and cannot be used on older systems. If you install AVG on older systems, you are likely to see them crawling!